Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Not-a-PBJ Update #2-10

I am really not proud of this post, but for the sake of honesty you should know what I’ve been counting in the tally of alternatives to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches since I started this project in the first Not-a-PBJ post (Not-a-PBJ #1).  Obviously, I’m not doing as well in the creativity department as I was hoping. 

Let’s get a few of the ones without photos out of the way first.

Not-a-PBJ #2 – Top Ramen –  I know, too much salt and minimal nutritional value, but we usually have fruit with it and one time they had had banana bread for a morning snack - Here's proof!.

Not-a-PBJ #3 – Kraft Macaroni and Cheese - Once even with spiral noodles!

Not-a-PBJ #4 – Cheese sandwiches – toasted, or not – made to order.  I’m very accommodating.

Not-a-PBJ #5 – Lipton Pasta Sides - Alfredo (It’s not a “side” when it’s for lunch!)

Not-a-PBJ #6 – Lipton Pasta Sides – Creamy Garlic Shells.  These are not the same as #5.  Notice the green verses blue writing on the package.

Not-a-PBJ #7 – Leftover Pizza – At least I warmed it in the oven and not the microwave.

Not-a-PBJ #8 Leftover taco filling and rice turned into burritos.  I’m kind of proud of this one actually.  Wrap ‘em up in foil and bake them in the toaster oven and they’re crispy and yummy.

Not-a-PBJ #9 – Subway.  Not in the budget for most days but the occasional indulgence is fun and the boys had just run three miles without griping so they were ready for a big lunch.

Not-a-PBJ #10 – Oven Hash Browns, which you will see in my next post.  I’m going to throw it together quickly so that this embarrassing confession will not be sitting at the top of my blog for very long.  The hash browns were actually for dinner while Ric was on a trip, but I am counting them because PBJ’s are indeed fair game for dinner when Dad is gone.  In my mind I could count every meal that he’s on the road as an alternative to peanut butter and jelly, but then I might have to admit to a night or two of cold cereal, so I’m being selective.

Now, I’m once again resolving to be more creative with lunches so that I can wow you with my food bloggerness.  Please don’t hold your breath though.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I'm not holding my breath, but I am releasing a big sigh of relief. I feel much better about feeding ramen to my kids for dinner tonite. Thanks.

    And I'm stealing your burrito idea. For tomorrow. Cinco de Mayo! They look SO yummy!
